Cory Iyoob is so good at skiing he doesn’t need snow

I don’t know much about EXTREME skiing or Cory Iyoob. Don’t get me wrong, I used to carve up the hills in my day, but I made every attempt to stay firmly fixed to the ground. I’ve since graduated from skiing to sitting in the lodge drinking beer, while my wife enjoys a day on the mountain. What changed? I spent two Super Bowl Sundays in a row, in the emergency room. One year, I broke my shoulder. The other, I broke my collar bone. I took that as a sign to enjoy the Super Bowl form the comfort of my own living room.

Now, Cory Iyoob on the other hand is a bad ass. He probably doesn’t even break bones. He just grinds rails, brah. I mean, he doesn’t even need snow to ski. Come on! I’m probably showing me age here, but I thought snow on the ground was like, rule number 1 of skiing. I guess not.

Cory’s in the running for the “QuikSilver Young Guns Challenge.” Your job is really simple. Follow the link provided below. Once you get there, watch the video, because it’s really sweet. Then, click the “like” button. It’s just like Facebook. Enjoy!

So, click here to vote for Cory Iyoob!

