Arian Foster Says He Could Take A Wolf In A One-On-One Fight

I feel like I’m writing one of Serniak’s blogs right now. But, Arian Foster went off on a twitter rant yesterday, explaining how he could defeat a wolf in a one-on-one fight. Arian’s main arguments? 1. He has thumbs and the wolf doesn’t. 2. The wolf has never been to a pro-bowl.

Ok, valid point. I can completely get behind this tweet. I’m not even a fan of going in the deep end of a pool at night.

At this point, I feel like I’m talking to the really stoned kid at a college.

“I could totally kick a wolf’s ass.” 

“No. You absolutely could not. But, please, I’d love to hear why you think you could…”

“You know why? Because, thumbs, man. Thumbs.”

Arian has studied the wolf. I’m sure that his Philosophy degree from the University of Tennessee didn’t included many classes on “wolf studies.”

So, Arian Foster’s first move is to just let the wolf bite him. Because, he’s got thumbs. I like where this is going…

But, Arian, what if the wolf grabs you WITH HIS MOUTH AND GIANT KILLER teeth?!

Counterpoint taken. The wolf has not played in a Pro Bowl, although that might make the game watchable. I do however, think it’s short sighted to say he’s never overcome any injuries. You don’t know this wolf’s life story. But, again, great closing argument. The wolf doesn’t have thumbs. Advantage, Arian Foster, f*cker.

Arian also doesn’t believe that wolves are versed in anatomy, the wolf would never know to bit at an artery. You know, that whole natural instinct thing, isn’t real.

Wolves don’t think, man. They can’t deduct these types of things. Come on.

You heard it here first. The life of Arian Foster or the life of the wolf.

