The Challenge Champs Vs Pros Finale

This week was the the Challenge Champs Vs Pros Finale on MTV. Good news, Lolo Jones finally went home. Horrible news, CT went home without making it to the finals.

That being said, thank you CT for another AMAZING one-liner. This is why CT is the GOAT! To be fair, he recommended Wes for the final, no one actually eliminated him. That’s right, not even a professional football player eliminated our man.

At the end of the day, this finale kind of sucked in terms of The Challenge finales. But, two teams of Champs made it and only one of the Pros teams made it. So, I’m very happy.

Things that didn’t work this season: Victor Cruz as the host. It was absolutely painful to watch the guy kill any chance he had at becoming a sportscaster in the future. Tia needed more screen time. Lolo didn’t need to be humanized.

Things that did work: Lolo Jones was an awesome villain for the first few episodes. CT was awesome as always. The CT and Wes friendship was good.

Also, shout out to Darrell and Cara Maria on the big win and for earning $50,000 for their charities.

Congrats to Darrell and Cara Maria Challenge Champs Vs Pros Finale Champions

Easy, Cara Maria, easy.



Producer Cavi: