Categories: Cavi

The Summer of the Hawaiian Shirt is really taking off…

So, a few weeks ago, I officially declared it the summer of the Hawaiian shirt. Since then, things have really taken off. I think we’re on to something…

I’ve been working hard on my Hawaiian shirt game. Tommy, the wives and I hit up the Train / OAR concert a few weeks ago. You know what else was there? A sea of Hawaiian shirts. That’s right. It seems like they all read my blog.

So, after I declared it the “Summer of the Hawaiian Shirt,” the resident Point After Show try hards, Tommy and Paul decided to one-up me and just go on a vacation to Hawaii. Oh well. At least they listen to my advice and are rocking Hawaiian shirts while they’re on the island.

Shout to out the Point After Show wives for also heeding my call and participating in the Summer of the Hawaiian shirt. You’re the real heroes here.

This weekend, I was out with Pat from PAWeekendFun.com and he was admiring my Hawaiian shirt. Then, the next day, I see him on Facebook rocking one. You’re welcome for the fashion advice, Pat.

Now, the guy is on the hunt for more.


So, now that I have your attention. Let’s talk about how I’m influencing the wardrobe of international rap super stars. Shortly after my declaration, I got this text from Hip Hop super star, Apache Chief.

So, if you’re rocking the Hawaiian Shirt this summer and want to be featured in my next blog, let me know. Tweet me @ProducerCavi.

Thank us out’a here Chief… AFL 4life.



Producer Cavi: