Categories: Ed

Hank Williams Jr. Returns to Monday Night Football

“Are you ready for some football?” I cannot help but think of Chris Farley’s impersonation of Hank Williams Jr. saying that line (see the SNL skit below). It’s been six long years but HWJ is back to ESPN’s Monday Night Football.

Chris Farley as Hank Williams Jr. aka Bocephus


The country rocker, with the absurd alias, Bocephus, is the OG when it comes to partying on a Monday night during football season. After being let go by the network in 2011 following a controversial comment where he compared a golf outing between then-President Barack Obama and former Republican House Speaker John Boehner to “…Hitler playing golf with Benjamin Netanyahu”.

I don’t quite understand this analogy, mainly because I don’t know who that second character is, but Bocephus definitely pissed off some higher ups with it which led to his departure.

Now, he’s back! After serving six years of a life sentence, he’s out on good behavior and back to starting off NFL Monday nights with those legendary “rowdy” lines. Monday Night Football will officially be Monday Night Football again. Thanks, ESPN, for bringing Hank Williams Jr. back from the dead.



Ed Skorupa: