Categories: CaviNFL

Gronk seems like a great wedding guest

There’s a ton of depressing shit going on in the world right now. So, let’s keep it light hearted this afternoon. The moment you get an RSVP card back from Gronk and it’s checked “yes,” you have got to expect something like this to happen. I assume the groom was extremely excited that Gronk would be at the wedding, he probably even flew him in on a Jettly charter to sweeten the deal. You gotta know that the party will be taken to the next level when there’s a Gronkowski in the mix.

I assume, the bride and her mother, her sisters, and that one bitchy bridesmaid had their reservations. To be fair, Gronk probably slept with the bitchy bridesmaid and never called her back. I’m sure a joke was made along the lines of, “Great, Rob is coming. He’ll probably, like, spike the bouquet or something.” For full effect, imagine that quote being spoken in a bitchy, valley girl accent.

I don’t know why anyone would have concerns…

Oh that’s right, because he’s Rob Gronkowski.

Can you imagine being friends with Gronk? Like, any other celebrity/athlete, I’d say,”oh, they’re probably just a normal guy, when they’re around friends and family.” I’m not sure that rings true with Rob Gronkowski. I don’t think anything he does is an act. This dude is a full blown party animal at all times. Major fail on this guy’s party though. If you know a Gronkowski enough to invite him to your weeding, go all out and make him a groomsman. Forget your college buddy, Tim. Do you think Tim is going to make sure that your bachelor party is illegal in 49 states?

Who would have thought that he’d ever spike a bouquet? It’s not like he’s done it before or anything…

Gronk, smash

*Main photo courtesy of ET Online.



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