Categories: CaviNBA

Bald Lebron James is terrifying

LeBron James seems to taking his recent loss well.

His hair is gone. No longer will he be distracted by that ridiculous, receding hairline of his. Props to LeBron though, no days off for this guy. While the Golden State Warriors are partying it up in Las Vegas, LeBron is shaving his head and tearing the gym apart. Well, I guess the Warriors did win and he did lose (again), so that’s how the universe works.

I think bald LeBron James just made me piss my pants. I’m not sure if it’s because I was laughing at him or because that video was terrifying. Because, to be frank, both are true. I’ll tell you one thing that King James isn’t the greatest at… rapping. He couldn’t even string two lines over the beat correctly. So awkward.  Why is the greatest basketball player of all time also the most awkward human being on the planet. I hate it. Because, I’m a closet Lebron fan boy. But, this makes it so, so hard to be open about that.

New season, new LeBron. Listne, if I’m the Cavaliers, I’m worried right now. Lebron is out here caring about his haircut, we all know he wouldn’t be rolling out to Los Angeles with that terrible hair line showing. He’s got that fresh new shave and he’s ready to rock. LA isn’t the midwest, it’s not Cleveland, that shit is not gonna fly on the west coast.

P.S. There’s a 95% chance the shaved head thing was a way for Lebron James to perpetuate the Michael Jordan comparisons. It’s sad, but that would be such a Lebron move.

It’s also nice to see that “ZeroDarkThirtyTwentyThree” is over. At least on Instagram. I guess it still applies to twitter.



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