The Challenge Champs Vs Pros Episode 3: Poor Little Tia

The Challenge Champs Vs Pros Episode 3 starts off with all of the competitors sharing a meal. I’m assuming since professional athletes are involved, these cupcakes are all staying in hotels and not in a booze filled community house. Right off the bat, it seems like everyone’s still salty with Lolo Jones from last week.

God, Lolo is the WORST.

The Challenge Champs Vs Pros Episode 3 Competition

The competition this week is “Out of Bounds” and it’s a female elimination week. In this competitions the competitors are on the opposite end of a pole and attempt to push each other into the water. Ashley and her new fake boobs volunteer to be the Champs team captain. Of course, Lolo Jones is bitching because she’s afraid of Cara Maria apparently.

Wes calls out Kamerion Wimbley (ex-NFL Player), which he immediately regrets. The obvious choice to face Kamerion should have been CT, because he’s almost a real life super hero. We do however get an awesome matchup with CT vs. CM Punk. Obviously, CT makes CM punk his bitch.

Fuck out’a here, Punk.

On the girl’s side, the Wicked Witch of the West, Lolo Jones dominates our girl Cara Maria. Next up is Tia the surfer vs. the Camila-nator. These two little hamsters produce a wild battle, but Tia comes out on top. Louie Vito gave Darrell all he had, but the Champ GOAT put him in the water and walked away with the win.

The match comes down to the one handed wonder, Jordan vs. Gus the skier. Jordan loses and the Champs are mathematically eliminated. That means the mouth of the South, Ashley (and her new boobs) are headed into the eliminations.

The Challenge Champs Vs Pros Episode 3 Elimination

The deliberation starts with Lolo immediately crying about not wanting to go into elimination. She goes after the cute little puppy dog, Tia. Louise Hazel and Lolo are at each other’s throats, as the Champs sit back and laugh.

Get her Wes…

The champs voting starts with CT, who tells Ashley K, “never say my name.” He then votes her in as revenge for her vote last week’s. Camila then votes for herself, leaving Wes with deciding vote. He votes for Cara Maria and leaves Ashley and Cara tied at three votes each. We’re left with a tie, which allows Fake Boobs McGee to choose her own competitor. She chooses the smart pick, Ashley K.

Lolo gets put up for elimination AGAIN. Because, she sucks. She throws a hissy fit, again, further damaging her image. The Pros also vote to a tie and allow Lolo to choose her own competitor. She shows that she’s a coward and picks poor little Tia, instead of Louise. There’s then another 10 minutes of Lolo complaining. Although, after the show, her social calendar should be pretty open, as everyone realizes she suuuuuccccckkkks.

This week’s elimination is “basket brawl” an all-time Challenge favorite.

Initial reaction: Tia is screwed and Ashley might pop an implant.

Jordan says that Ashley M is the weakest competitor and she straight up snaps. Grabbing Ashley K by the head and smashing it into the ground. They might want to run some CTE scans of Ash K down the line.

Ashley K might be a little dumb. So, she doesn’t know the rules and ends up putting the ball in for Ashley M. Finally, Ashley M shoots a deep three pointer to win the match.

The Challenge Champs Vs Pros Episode 3 Eliminated: Ashley K

We’re left on a cliff hanger as Lindsey decides that she wants to take Tia’s place and face Lolo. It’s all going to be up to big, bad Lolo Jones. Let’s see if she’s a real bad ass or not. But, we’ll have to wait until next week!



Producer Cavi: