Carbondale’s Mike Scotch Spits Fire – Turn It Up Tuesday

Many, many moons ago, I was a Daycamp Counselor at the Carbondale YMCA. For a few years, I was in charge of keeping Mike Scotch alive over the summer. It wasn’t always easy. He was a little shit, if my memory serves me correctly. But, for some reason, I always liked him. I don’t think all the counselors agreed with my sentiment, but they didn’t understand how a real Carbondale kid acted. Today, I log onto Facebook and see that Scotch is spitting bars on a video and the likes and comments are going wild. I clicked on it and honestly, I expected it to suck, because he’s a white kid in a bucket hat. It didn’t. It’s actually good. Like, above average good. I had to watch it twice to make sure he wasn’t lip syncing.

Now, I’m a sports guy and this is a sports blog. BUT, as I like to remind you, I’m THE music guy. I’ve worked in the industry for many years and for some reason, white rappers have crossed my paths frequently. I’ve worked with Asher Roth, Mac Miller and Spose. For the past 10 years, I haven’t been able to shake my boy Apache Chief. He’s like herpes, I just can’t get rid of him (not that I want to). So, I give my official sign off on Mike. The kid has some skills.

So, I give you Mike Scotch, a rapper from Carbondale, PA. I like to think his ability to rap is directly correlated to my sick skills at being a Day Camp Counselor. You’re welcome, Mike.

P.S. Facebook tells me that today is Mike’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Mike.

I know that everyone needs things named. So, this is a “Turn It Up Tuesday” instead of our “Friday Pump Up Jam.” Deal with it.

And hey, If you like to listen to things, feel free to listen to this too…



Producer Cavi: