Cavi’s Official NCAA Tournament Action

I’m generally in 10 bracket pools (possibly more) when the NCAA Tournament and March Madness rolls around. This year I had to cut back. We’ve got this website rolling, it’s prime time planning season for my music festival and I’m in two weddings. I just don’t have the time to invest into it this year.

That being said, I’ve still got some skin in the game. Most importantly against your chumps. I think it’s only fair that I share my picks with you. Feel free to talk trash. I’ll post you some photos of my winnings.

First up, here’s my official submission for The Point After Show NCAA Tournament Bracket Challenge:

Eddie, Paul, and Tommy are also in this one. I feel confident that I’ll run the table.

For years I’ve been in a pool with a ton of people that I don’t even know, run by a guy I don’t know, from Pottsville. My father-in-law and his family generally get in it and if I ever win it, it’ll be great bragging rights. I won some cash a few years ago. This is my year. I feel it. It’s usually pretty stiff competition. Here’s that submission:

I’m in another pool, where you pick your sweet 16. Then, you rank them. What ever number you rank them, you get that many points when they win. This is a BIG pool with people from all over the country. You have to know someone to get invited in. I’ve been in it since I was a junior in college. Top 100 people get paid out. Here’s my entry:

Finally, Ed (from the Point After Show) and I split a block in a NCAA Tournament block pool.

Our numbers are ->
Winner: 0
Loser: 5

Meaning, if the winning team had 50 and the losers had 45, we would win. This pool pays out every single game of the tournament and payouts increase every round. I REALLY like Eddie and my numbers.

Let’s go!



Producer Cavi: