Tom Herman Fired For Eating Pastrami?

Tom Herman was once (allegedly) fired for sneak-eating pastrami at Subway and that is alarming on many levels.

“When people said, ‘Hey, what do you do?’ I would say, ‘I’m a subcontractor. Or submarine contractor,” Herman told the newspaper.

“I used to love the pastrami,” he said. “They had those big walk-in refrigerators. I was standing in there one day, with the door shut, just throwing pastrami in my mouth.

“It was like something out of a movie. I’ve got this bin of meat, throwing meat in my mouth, the door swings open and it’s the owner.

“He goes, ‘Get out. Don’t come back.’ “

You know, how I know Tom Herman is going to fail at coaching college football at a big time school? He seems enjoys Subway enough to get fired for eating too much of it. I don’t care if he was in high school. Leopards don’t change their spots and people who will guzzle down pastrami in a Subway freezer can not to be trusted with a 121 million dollar college football program. Nothing will ever change my mind on that. Not many more things make me more irate than when people choose to go to Subway instead of a solid, local deli. It blows my mind that people would actively and purposely decide to ingest a Subway sandwhich.

So, be weary Texas football fans. Understand that you gave the keys to a guy that would possibly put his job in jeopardy over Grade-F meat. Did Texas do a background check on this guy, discover this major skeleton in his closet and hire him any ways? This them now. When someone finds him locked in the training room closet, chowing down on a sweet onion teriyaki, when he should have been watching film, know that it could have been prevented. 

P.S. Herman telling people he was a “subcontractor or submarine contractor” should have been a major red flag. I’m sure Herman is the life of the party with wit like that.


