Categories: NFLTom

Super Bowl 51: The Commercial Edition

The Super Bowl has drawn a side audience that focuses primarily on what happens during a break in the football action… commercials. Super Bowl 51’s commercials will be the topic of conversation in the office breakroom on Monday. Not every spectator of Sunday night’s championship game cares for or may even understand the game of football, but humor and creative advertisements, they are for just about everyone.

Super Bowl commercials have established a certain legacy for being entertaining and groundbreaking, and there have been some epic advertisements over the years dominated by a few popular brand names. Let’s take a look at my top 3 Super Bowl commercials of all time.

  1. eTrade – First Class Flight

eTrade killed it with its series of baby commercials. This commercial may not be the best one of the bunch, but I posted it in honor of our attorney, Pete’s, bachelor party.


  1. Doritos – Magic Ball

Doritos is another company that loves spending money during the Super Bowl. They always compete for the best ad each year. Here is one of my favorite commercials that Doritos has put out.


  1. Bud Light – Swear Jar

This is a classic! Most people can relate to an office swear jar. There is usually at least one person in your office that uses foul language on a regular basis (guilty). Unfortunately, most offices don’t spend the money on a case of booze. It usually goes to some lame pizza party on a random day that you are already scheduled to be out in the field. Bud Light totally nailed it!


Thanks for checking out some of my favorite Super Bowl articles. I hope companies live up to the expectations this year and don’t disappoint viewers.



Producer Cavi: