Revis and Butthead

This past Sunday, at around 2:45am, Darrelle Revis allegedly was involved in an altercation. The exchange happened when a 21 year old male decided he was going to start videoing and following Revis while walking. I’m not sure if this ass clown thought he worked for TMZ, but regardless it was a stupid idea. Darrelle, allegedly snatched the phone away from the kid in an attempt to delete the video.  This exchange led to Revis reportedly punching the kid out cold and throwing his phone into the street.

Revis is now being charged with four felonies for his role in the incident and it begs the question, why. Why does John Q Public think it is okay to throw a camera in a famous person’s face, let alone at 2:45am, and violate their private space? Now I’m not excusing punching someone in the face and knocking them unconscious, but the reality is if this person mind their own business like Revis was at the time we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Why is the 21 year old not going to be charged with harassment?

This was not an innocent encounter, where the kid was coming up to Darrelle in the mall asking for an autograph. This was out on the street at 2:45am where a man is trying to mind his own business. Let’s try to imagine what would have happened if instead of Revis, this was a random guy from the North side of Pittsburgh, and the same kid started following him with a camera. How would that have gone down? The kid might not be here now to talk about it.

How much pestering should a celebrity be expected to take just because they are on television?  I don’t think it’s fair to excuse harassing behavior simply because “they’re a celebrity”.

I think the law has given the paparazzi far too much freedom to stalk and harass individuals. It’s dangerous for all parties involved and shouldn’t be tolerated. Put yourself in the shoes of the person being followed and constantly targeted with a camera. Would you like it?

Celebrities are not exempt from privacy, even though our society seems to believe they are. Do yourself a favor and if you see a celebrity, act like you’ve been there before.





Paul Lipko: