Categories: CaviNFL

The Patriots had a day yesterday

Let us start by officially congratulating the New England Patriots on their Super Bowl win!

Now, let’s see the best of their celebrations yesterday as chronicled by social media.

Gronk, just casually booing Roger Goodell and cracking himself up (and Robert Kraft too).

Gronk gets drunk and almost drops 5 priceless Super Bowl trophies. No big deal.

As always, just Gronk doing Gronk stuff.

Rog, you might want to stay out of Boston for awhile.

1… 2… 3… 4… 5!

Blue lives matter. This is the coolest cop of all time. Cop or hype man? Watch out Flava Flav.

Sorry ladies, Gronk’s taken. But, I respect the hustle.


This is definitely in the top 10 catches of Gronk’s career.

We’ll leave you with this. #FireGoodell



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