Jimmer Fredette Dropped 73 points Last Night

That’s right, the pride of BYU, Jimmer Fredette dropped 73 last night…

Yes, that Jimmer Fredette… in a Chinese Basketball Association game.

I don’t care if it was at the Harrisburg over 40 league. 73 points is amazing. Jimmer Fredette went straight Jesus Christ and all of the the Latter Day Saints on Zhejiang. That’s no easy feat against the mighty Zhejiang. You’re talking to a big CBA guy over here.

Not to take anything away from Jimmer’s game. But, do you think the Mormon’s have him going door to door looking for conversions during his off time? I’m guessing there’s not a large Mormon population in China and seeing how Jimmer Fredette is apparently the best basketball player this side of the Great Wall of China, this is might be the big push that the Communists need to convert.

My strong Google game lead me to discover there are almost 25,000 Mormons in China. That’s like a drop in swimming pool though, since thee’s what… 400 billion (or 1.4 billion if you believe Google) people in China? If Jimmer keeps this up, we’re looking at, at least a million more Chinese Mormons by 2018.



Producer Cavi: