Out of the mouth of… Bob Huggins gets a bonus!

Bob Huggins, head basketball coach, of the West Virginia Mountaineers has an interesting little addendum that was added to his contract back in 2012.  It states that whenever his team beats Kansas University he receives a $25,000 bonus.  On January 24th, 2017 it was his fourth time beating Kansas since that bonus was put into place.  Kansas University is the only school listed in Coach Huggins’ contract for the bonus.  I find this little tidbit very interesting.  I like it for a couple of reasons.  Number one, it shows Coach Huggins that WVU is committed to him and him to them. Number two, he donates that money to different charities, most recently, for Cancer research.  Number three, it’s good for the college game.  Now, being that I know of this information and I’m sure all of you knew about it or heard about it too, it kind of bothers in the same breath.  Something like that I feel should not have found it’s way into the news.  That piece of information should have stayed inside the four walls of the office that it came out from.   I wonder does Coach Calipari at Kentucky have something like that in place, would Coach K at Duke be interested in an amendment to his coaching contract?  If I was a betting man, which I’m not, I would say YES!!! What coach wouldn’t want a little more incentive to beat a rival.  Follow along with Coach Huggins and donate that money to a well deserving charity or maybe, even maybe donate back to a lesser funded sports program within the school, heck give it the science club!   I feel that something of this nature will be looked upon more and more when new head coaches are hired as they have to fill big shoes like Roy Williams at North Carolina or Rick Pitino at Louisville.

This is just one man’s opinion and remember if I want your opinion, I’ll give it to you!

-The Rounder (contact Mike at @PSACDEPDIRECTOR)



Paul Lipko: