Did Dillon Brooks Flop or did “the Sixth Man” Just Become a Real Thing?

Listen. I’m an optimist. I look for the best in everyone. So, let’s give Dillon Brooks the benefit of doubt. Let’s tell ourselves that there is no way he would execute the most absurd flop of all time on national television.

Someone (not me) needs to investigate this. Do any of the players on Utah have a brother that has recently died and come back as a ghost to help them win? If so, we need to know. This is the type of hard hitting journalism that needs to take place. We can’t allow Utah to have a crazy ghost on their team, straight jacking opposing players. Ever heard of subtlety, Utah ghost? Try it for me one time, will ya?

Until then, pray for Dillon Brooks. Who knows how many ghost assault victims go undocumented each year.

Exhibit A: Proof that you don’t want to fight a dead, ghost, college basketball player.



Producer Cavi: